
Edgemere Labradors


Edgemere Labradors


Welcome to Edgemere Labradors!

Our kennel name comes from the Edgemere Hotel that was owned by my husband’s family at the end of the 1800’s.  Families came from away to spend their summer months in this beautiful harbor in Mid-Coast Maine.  This same harbor saw the sinking of the English vessel the Angel Gabriel in 1635 and is known for the legend of Dixie Bull’s lost treasure.  The fort and fort house which are across the harbor from where the Edgemere Hotel once stood are also part of my husband’s family history.

Richard and I both grew up with dogs.  In 1991, we purchased a Chesapeake Bay Retriever we named Casey Jo.  Two years later we added another who we named Toggle.  Toggle was one of those special once in a lifetime “heart dogs” that leaves you too early in life.  He was our first introduction to the breed ring and field training.  He became a champion at 14 months old but at two years old became ill and passed away.   A couple of years later I purchased Storm who became my gentle giant.   Storm was a beautiful Chessie but over the standard for the breed and too sweet to part with.  

We met Anna and Bill Clark of Graycroft Kennels at an obedience class.  Over the years, Anna and I became good friends and I started showing her Labrador Retrievers.  In 2001, we brought home one of Anna's puppies, Amy, who was a joint project between Anna, Bill and I and eventually became CH Graycroft's Distant Visions CD SH RA earning Best of Opposite in Specialty at the LRC of Greater  Boston and a Judges Award of Merit with very limited showing.  Amy is the foundation on which I have based my breeding program.

Unfortunately, she passed over the rainbow bridge in September of 2009. Several of Amy’s offspring are show pointed and have earned hunting, obedience, rally titles and worked as service dogs. We are very proud of their accomplishments.  Anna and I continue to work together to produce Labrador Retrievers with the old fashion English conformation while maintaining temperament, intelligence and instinct.

photography provided by

Aarone Durocher, Liz Hayford, Lynn Stone, Kim Grapski and Karen Cheney